Are you an entrepreneur who works really hard but isn't getting the results you think you should be?
If so, join this FREE Training:

5 Steps To Go From Frustrated and Stuck To Clear and Confident with Better Results

Tuesday, April 16, 2:00pm - 3:15pm EST

Remember when you first started your business and you were SO excited about everything? 

Then, a few years in you realize that instead of feeling excited all of the time, you're now primarily overwhelmed and frustrated. You're trapped in the hustle and don't know how to get out. 

If you're finding yourself in this place know that it's totally normal and you can get your curiosity, passion and excitement back.

In this training you'll learn how.

During this session, you'll discover:

The 3 biggest LIES that are keeping you stuck in hustle culture

(you'll be amazed at how these are all around you and you didn't even know it!) 

The most common ways you're losing productivity and progress without even realizing it

(some of these are also costing you a lot of money - let's change that!)

Practical changes you can make immediately to get out of overwhelm, work less and bring more joy back into your daily business life

(you deserve these).

hey there, friend!

I'm Jennifer Trask


After hitting different levels of frustration, exhaustion and nearing burn out with my own business, I set out on a mission to find a better way.

Over the last 15 years of working with amazing entrepreneurs like you, I've learned A LOT about how to have a business that truly inspires you, brings you joy AND is profitable and sustainable. 

It takes deliberate intent and focus, especially in a society that glorifies hustling and working hard. 

Come join me on the mission to create a new wave of entrepreneurs who build their businesses JOYOUSLY and who celebrate working smarter, not harder to create great income and impact. 

I can't wait to see you in class.