The Joyous Journey


For ambitious women entrepreneurs who want to create success with ease and joy!


It's time to ditch hustle culture, redefine success and create YOUR joyous business.

Working harder is not going to get you the business and lifestyle you're after. 

In fact the opposite is true.

When you decide you want to create a joyous business, one that is profitable, sustainable and gives you energy, you must do things differently. 

It's time to go against the grain of traditional business advice to "just work harder" and instead work in alignment with the version of you you're dreaming about. 

Take a deep breath and imagine how would it feel to...
No longer care what other people think, what your competition is doing or wonder whether you're 'good enough'.
Be making more progress in six months than you have in the last year or two because you're focused and taking action on the most important work.
Have such trust, confidence and clarity in your decisions that you KNOW things will work out for you no matter the challenges that come your way.

It's like night and day and everyone sees it, including me.

Before I started working with The Joyous Journey, I thought that I had to hustle for every dollar and be constantly working.
I thought that if I was failing, it was because I wasn't working hard enough.
Through the work and coaching I did with Jennifer in The Joyous Journey I've learned that I can be successful without breaking my back over searching for clients.
In fact, it's becoming really easy to attract clients. I feel so much more confident in my messaging and my value.
I couldn't imagine not being here when I think of myself three or four years ago to now. It's like night and day and everyone sees it and it's just fantastic. But most importantly I see it and that's the biggest thing.

–Kim Cheel, Developmental Editor and Ghostwriter

real results

There are 3 main reasons why women entrepreneurs get into overwhelm, doubt and lack-lustre results.

Problem #1

They lack crystal clear clarity. 

In order to have a truly joyous business that is filled with ease, you need to be VERY clear on what you want and keep the main thing the main thing.

Most entrepreneurs are trying to do too many things at once and it's watering down their progress.

Problem #2

They lack the confidence and trust in themselves. 

When your thoughts and beliefs tell you that you're not good enough and you feel like an imposter, you are the cog in the wheel. 

You must let go of this identity and embody the future you. When you act from there, magic ensues. 

Problem #3

They don't have the systems and people for consistency. 

In order to reach your goals you need to have the right coaching, community and team around you.

As well as great systems in place.

If you want better results you need better systems and the right people in your corner. 

hey there, friend!

I'm Jennifer Trask

As your Joyous Business Coach, I approach getting to your goals in a different way than the typical advice you see out there. 

The old way of just hustling harder, be everywhere until something sticks and fake it till you make it are OUT. 

This is a recipe for exhaustion, disappointment and doubt. 

No matter what your business is, it needs the BEST you possible. 

When you're at your best, your business will be too. 

That's why we do things differently. 

When you grow your business the JOYOUS way, we focus on helping you set things up so that you can enjoy the process of growing your business for YEARS to come. 

When you combine that with doing the inner work necessary to embody the future you, things begin to change. 


If you want a business that FUELS you and enables you to give your gifts to the world without taking all of your energy, welcome home.


Most entrepreneurs think they have a marketing problem, when in reality they have a focus problem. 

Here's the truth based on my 16 years of working with other entrepreneurs. Your solution will come when you stop spending so much energy:
  • focusing on what's not working, how long it's taking and why you haven't reached "X" yet;
  • trying new marketing strategies and/or product/service offerings to see what sticks;
  • dealing with emotional roller coaster of self doubt, income glass ceilings and the dreaded comparison game;
  • constant task switching, getting distracted and dealing with things as they come.
  • working on action items your team should be doing.


If you want a joyous business that gives you better results with less effort then you must start...

  • Focusing on the progress you're making, how far you've come and the wins you have.
  • Double down on the main product or service and strategies that align with who you are and GO DEEP on them.
  • Pre-planning your days, weeks, months and quarters so that you can maximize your time, minimize distraction and become a productivity superstar!
  • Start building your team and systems so you can spend time on the work only you can do.
  • Step into your true identity. The one who is capable of creating a joyous business and who WILL get you there.
  • Focusing on the progress you're making, how far you've come and the wins you have.
  • Double down on the main product or service and strategies that align with who you are and GO DEEP on them.
  • Pre-planning your days, weeks, months and quarters so that you can maximize your time, minimize distraction and become a productivity superstar!
  • Start building your team and systems so you can spend time on the work only you can do.
  • Step into your true identity. The one who is capable of creating a joyous business and who WILL get you there. 

No matter how long you've been spinning your wheels, you can find your balance and really enjoy your business again!


The Joyous Journey

For entrepreneurs who want to get focused, productive and have more fun and results in their business than ever before!

When you join the Joyous Journey you'll...

  • Overcome perfectionism and get things done consistently!
  • Stop comparing yourself to others or feeling like an imposter, uncover your super power and OWN it! 
  • Find a schedule that enables you to get your work done AND enjoy your life.
  • Become more focused on the work that will get you results than you have been in years. 
  • Let go of the resistance and welcome in more alignment and universal magic! 

My revenue increased by 80% from the previous year.

Now I'm preparing to launch my first-ever membership program and additional short-term group programs. Jennifer will be all in to get you where you want to be.

– Leslie McDaniel, Coach & Consultant

real results

The Joyous Journey is an Accelerator designed to get you OUT of hustle culture and IN your joyous business and life.

Our focus is on helping you implement as well as give you the tools, coaching, support and community you need to thrive. 

You know more than you think, we'll help you execute on that.  

Here's what's included with your membership: 

A Simple Path To Your Success

The Joyous Entrepreneur Framework

This framework is the heart of what our Accelerator focuses on. You'll master the 5 pillars that will lead you to a joyous business. The 5 pillars are: Clarity, Identity, Time, Relationships & Alignment. 

With the Joyous Journey you'll gain access to short powerful trainings that will help you implement immediately so that you can start creating positive change and momentum. 

Game-Changing Coaching

Kind & Results Oriented Coaching

I'm not your regular Business Coach. I take a person first approach to growing your business.

With my 14 years of consulting and 10 years of Coaching I've found an approach where we work together to help you create goals and plans that work at a pace that's right for you. 

There's no overnight sensationalism b*llshit here. Just straight up coaching and advisory that works.

Regular Coaching & Accountability Calls

Get Things Done

Say good-bye to information overload and hello to focused personalized advice. 

In the Joyous Journey you'll have...

  • Weekly accountability calls on Mondays to ensure you're focused on your most important work. 
  • Weekly coaching calls on Wednesday's to dig in to whatever you need help with. 
  • Monthly mindset workshops to help you master your #1 asset. 
  • Quarterly & Yearly planning sessions to plan out your strategic moves.

*For call times see the FAQ's

The Support You've Been Dreaming About

Powerful Community

The Joyous Journey is focused on creating a tight-knit community of like minded entrepreneurs who are deliberately going against the grain of hustle culture. 

You'll feel seen, heard and understood. You'll also be celebrated for whatever goals matter to you, big, small or anywhere in between. 

You aren't 1 of 1,000's. You'll be known by me and the other members. 

Heather Beck, Leadership Coach

My perfectionism was getting in the way of any action. Ideas would just spin and spin. On a call I told Jennifer I was really nervous about posting something on LinkedIn, asking my network for something, and she just said, "we'll wait for you to do that".

I hit post and my network responded amazingly well. 

Jennifer really got to the heart of the issue of just do it.  You don't know who's out there or what the universe has for you if you're sitting in a perfectionist swirl.
Tammy Plunkett, Writer, Advocate, DEIB Consultant
"It's not that I didn't have the tools or knowledge to execute. It was me holding myself back. I was afraid of succeeding and the judgement of others.
I really needed your mindset expertise. I still have written down on a post-it note right here and it says, be okay with people disagreeing with you.
Having the group to hold me accountable combined with consistency promising you that I was going to hit send on my book proposal was monumental for me.
I knew I had it in me, I just needed somebody to see it, call it out and hold me accountable to do the work."
Mary Ellen Flesher, Life Coach

"I did it again! I sold another package at my new price. That's two clients in one week!"

Suzy Rosenstein, Master Midlife Coach & Podcast Host

"Being able to celebrate 1 Million downloads for my podcast was one of the most important things we coached on. I feel so much more motivated and confident about letting my freak flag fly!"

  • The Joyous Entrepreneur Framework Training (Valued at $1,997)
  • Game Changing Weekly Coaching & Advisory ($9,997)
  • Accountability Calls & Planning Sessions ($4,997)
  • Powerful Community (Totally priceless)
  •  Get Your Most Important Work Done In A Joyous & Fun Way (Also priceless and awesome)! 
Apply Now For The Joyous Journey
Apply Now For The Joyous Journey

Today's Price 


$2,499/year or $249/month*

*Minimum of 6 month commitment to create sustainable change. Prices are in USD.


Become An Abundance Magnet Challenge

In 6-weeks you'll...

  • Integrate abundance habits that will help you manifest more clients, cash and opportunities in your business;
  • Learn how to become a great receiver and start practicing it so that you can welcome in your dream business;
  • Let go of the money story that has been holding you back from the results you really want;
  • Create a new calm confidence in your ability to attract what you want in your business and life.

Join Now & Get The Abundance Magnet Challenge For Free

Ready to up your frequency and start receiving more abundance into your world? NOW is the time to join The Joyous Journey and get the abundance training, coaching, strategic direction, planning and support you need to have your most abundant year in business yet!

Apply To Join Us

About Your Joyous Business Coach,  Jennifer Trask

Aside from my very well earned, 'In the trenches' degree in entrepreneurship earned building my business as well as my helping my hundreds of clients over the last 16 years, here are a few other "official" facts 😉 
⭐️ Toronto Star Readers voted me Toronto’s Best Life Coach two years running (2019, 2020) and Toronto's Best Business Consultant in 2022 & 2023. Thanks Toronto!!🇨🇦
⭐️ I have a Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing and an MBA in International Business.
⭐️ I'm an NLP Practitioner.
⭐️ I love all things entrepreneurship and was a digital nomad for 3 years living in Australia, South America and the US.
⭐️ I love to travel and have been to 27 countries so far!
⭐️ My love of learning and books means I'm always rotating between 2 to 3 books! 
⭐️ I'm originally from the East Coast of Canada, Newfoundland! 
⭐️ I LOVE coffee - the taste and the experience of it. When I'm not coaching clients or my Joyous Journey members, you can usually find me at a local coffee shop or at the beach in my beautiful Toronto neighbourhood enjoying coffee in a Muskoka chair or riding my bike.
Megan Conway, Interior Decorator at Crave Your Home

"My business now feels like it's just an extension of me. It doesn't even feel like it's necessarily a business. It's just a joy."

Within a few months I had four Ikea kitchens booked. Between September to December I did six Ikea Kitchens and about five to six online design plans.

Francesca Massi, Salon Owner, Light Through the Trees

"Within 1 week of our conversation I built my online store which I have been wanting to do for a year!"

Jennifer clearly mapped out the integral foundational steps and assisted me in working on an action plan. That along with her sharing some great ideas that pertain to my particular business, I now have more clarity and confidence knowing how to move forward without feeling overwhelmed.

Kelly Ryan, Corporate Health & Wellness Consultant
"Working with Jennifer has been a game changer." 
Over the past year, I have found my niche, worked with clients, and set up on the foundations and methodology of my business all while healing through a past trauma. 
I feel more confident about my business and that my messaging is clear than ever, and I am enjoying the process of growing my business and spending time with my family. 
I would highly recommend working with Jennifer to grow your business without the hustle.
Cheryl Kuchek, Owner of Just my Imagination DeZigns
"My identity is no longer in my work. 

I no longer have to prove myself. I now know my value and worth. 

I'm showing up with a renewed confidence.

It's light. It feels so good, it feels so freeing. My identity is no longer in my work. 

This coaching journey has been so rewarding and worth it. 


Here's how to know if The Joyous Journey is for you.

It's a "Oh YES please" if you...

  • want a community that celebrates ALL progress including your personal, emotional and business wins! 
  • are done with hustle culture and want to build a business on YOUR terms and a pace that fits you. 
  • know that DEEP DOWN you're meant for more and you're ready to go all in on that version of you. 
  • are willing to show up and do the work.

Frequently Asked Questions

I realized that nobody can grow to their full potential on their own.

Sometimes entrepreneurship can feel so isolating. And when you're isolated, you can make things more difficult than they need to be. I used to wonder if everyone else was better at entrepreneurship and maybe I wasn't cut out for it. With The Joyous Journey, I was able to see that the stuff that I'm going through is pretty normal.
For me, knowing that I have guidance, structure and community that I can communicate and engage with has been super powerful. The group helped me see different perspectives.
The Joyous Journey helped me stay focused and consistent on the work that mattered. As I did that, especially in my marketing, now I'm getting consistent business.

–Roxana Radescula, Leadership & Team Coach

real results

Change starts when you make a different decision.

Okay my friend, if you've made it this far then ask yourself: 

  • where will I be a year from now if I join this Accelerator and go all in? 

Conversely, what will happen if you don't? 

Entrepreneurs need a village and we're the village where your overall wellbeing is prioritized just as much as your business. 

We understand that your business goals matter and so does your personal life. You're not just one thing. 

If you're ready to think differently and therefore do things differently, then we're here to help you.

Come on in and join the joy! 

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