It's The Final Countdown

This amazing deal and offer retires Monday, Feb 12 @ 10pm EST

It's Time To Get Out Of Your Own Way

A Mindset Makeover will help you move past your blocks, step into your greatness and build the business you truly desire (and know deep down you are capable of with the right help)!


You Deserve Clarity, Confidence & Courage In Your Business

Get ready to crush self doubt and to learn how to overcome that inner critic that just won't seem to go away. It's time for you to step into the leadership role you know you can do and the one that will get you the results you are after. You CAN do this and I'm here to help you. You deserve to be the best CEO of yourself everyday.

Happy Mindset Makeover Entrepreneurs!

No two entrepreneurs are the same, yet many have similar struggles. I can't wait to help you break through your blocks so you can become unstoppable too!

"Before the Mindset Makeover call this overwhelming fear would come over me and I'd start to doubt everything I was doing. I'd be stuck in fear of failing and became unable to make decisions and move my business forward. I knew that I needed to work on my confidence and clarity. During the call Jennifer helped me to recognize all the things I've faced and overcame over the history of my business. Now when fear shows up, I won't dwell in it. I can change the radio station and I do that by choosing how I think. She also helped me work through some of my money values conflict. I feel excited about my business and I cannot wait to see how I will continue to grow it just like I have over the last seven years. Just a few days after our call, we had a 6K Saturday in April. For reference, last April for the entire month we did 12K. This month is normally so slow for us. Our call had such a big part of this because I totally shifted the way I look at money and the confidence that I feel to lead this team! Thank you! I feel like this is just the tip of the iceberg in how I change my mindset and shift my money stories. I can't wait to see how far I'll go!"

Erin Bouchard
Owner of Once Upon A Time Weddings

"Jennifer, thank you, thank you, thank you! That session was worth more to me than than I can put into words. Today I manifested your guidance and perspective. It has been so long since I felt this weightless. I feel like the incapable me has been absorbed into my body, but not in a way that weighs me down. You are a truly special person and I'm blessed that you have come into my life. xo"

Deirdre Andrews
Post Pardum Specialist

"In my session with Jennifer, she provided important insight on how I can overcome my fear of selling. She was able to pinpoint where I was letting negativity infuse itself and become the objection that I was addressing. Thank you, Jennifer!"

Audrey Knapp

"Working with Jennifer is always motivational and confidence building. She seems to uncover important steps with her spot on questioning and support. It always amazes me the clarity I gain when I talk with Jennifer. She can hone in on the area in which you need to take action and help you discover practical simple activities to support your momentum. Thank You for helping me stick to my dream and feel productive."

Trish McIntosh
Educational Leadership Coach and International Consultant,

"I was feeling a lack of confidence and chaotic/unorganized in my business. I felt stuck. I wanted to fix it but I didn't know how! During the call with Jennifer, she challenged me in ways that resonated with me. She forced me to reposition myself and look at things differently. I had many "aha" moments during our call. Now, I am standing my ground and believing in my own abilities more. I am able to action decisions and work THROUGH the fear, rather than be held up against it. After our call, I was able to let go of some jobs that were draining me of time and energy. I was able to confidently raise my prices and notify my clients of the new pay structure. I redesigned my coaching program in a way that is more aligned with my vision. Jennifer is amazingly patient, yet incredibly direct. She is able to see through your fears and support you, showing you a better version of yourself that you might not be able to see. Seriously- she is awesome!"

Courtney McCarthy
Owner, Loyobo FIT


50% Complete

Two Step

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